2. Juni 2012

Humble bundel 5 - out now!

Es ist wieder soweit!

http://www.humblebundle.com/  hat ein weiteres Komplettpaket von wirklich grandiosen Indiegames veröffentlicht, aber nur für kurze Zeit!

Also schnell zugreifen, es lohnt sich :)

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Hey there!

Humble Indie Bundle V is here to blow your mind with five modern masterpieces of gaming!
Pay what you want for PsychonautsLIMBOAmnesia: The Dark Descent, andSuperbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP. If you choose to pay more than the average price, you will also receive Bastion! Each game comes with its soundtrack in both lossless (FLAC) and MP3 formats.
Each of these DRM-free games works on Mac, Windows, and Linux, and can optionally be redeemed on Steam if you choose more than $1. Bundle buyers can also benefit the Child's Play Charity and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, non-profits doing excellent work in the name of gamers worldwide.
Getting these awesome games and their soundtracks would normally cost more than $110, but Humble Indie Bundle V lets you set the price! Head to the site now and pay what you want for a whole summer's worth of incredible games and soundtracks!
The deal will only be live for 2 weeks, so click here to pick up your Humble Indie Bundle V before time runs out!
Jeffrey Rosen
Humble Bundle